
minor hazard中文是什么意思

  • 较小危害



  • 例句与用法
  • The declaration said the neodymium and chromium detected in sk - ii cosmetics came from raw materials and only posed a minor hazard to consumers health if used properly
    声明称, sk - ii护肤品中检验到的钕和铬都来自原料,只要消费者使用方法得当,对皮肤健康的危害是很微小的。
  • The declaration said the neodymium and chromium detected in sk - ii cosmetics came from raw materials and only posed a minor hazard to consumers ‘ health if used properly
    声明称, sk - ii护肤品中检验到的钕和铬都来自原料,只要消费者使用方法得当,对皮肤健康的危害是很微小的。
  • The declaration said the neodymium and chromium detected in sk - ii cosmetics came from raw materials and only posed a minor hazard to consumers " health if used properly
    声明称, sk - ii护肤品中检验到的钕和铬都来自原料,只要消费者使用方法得当,对皮肤健康的危害是很微小的。
  • And only posed a minor hazard to consumers " health if used properly . the declaration said procter and gamble affirmed that it does not add neodymium and chromium into their products in the production process and the two ingredients were brought in by raw materials
    国家质检总局卫生部23日发表声明称, skii化妆品中所含违禁成分铬和钕系原料带入所致,正常使用含微量铬和钕的化妆品对消费者的健康危害较低。
  • 推荐英语阅读
minor hazard的中文翻译,minor hazard是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译minor hazard,minor hazard的中文意思,minor hazard的中文minor hazard in Chineseminor hazard的中文minor hazard怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
